Lakers News

In the second NBA All-Star voting returns, the blow a Lakers star receives

The NBA All-Star voting second returns are here and it has suffered a big change for the Lakers

By James Brown

Austin Reaves in the All-Star players retunrs
Austin Reaves in the All-Star players retunrs
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The first returns of the 2024 NBA All-Star voting had three of the Los Angeles Lakers stars on it, with LeBron James in the No. 1 spot of the front court and Anthony Davis in the 4th position. In the West Guards, Austin Reaves got the 10th spot.

For the second returns of the All-Star voting things have been shaking a little and while LeBron James and Anthony Davis have kept the same spots they had in the last one, Austin Reaves dropped out of the top 10 for West guards.

Klay Thompson has taken Austin Reaves's place despite the fact the Golden State Warriors have looked terrible this season and even is in rumors of being traded by his team's organization.

If Reaves wants to be back he needs to keep improving his last performances as the Lakers guard has been looking off in the last couple of games. D'Angelo Russell needs to return to the starting five ASAP.

Austin Reaves is all about winning with the LA Lakers

Austin Reaves: “Winning is the solution regardless [of the fact that] I’ve shot the ball like sh*t lately. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been because we won.”

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