Lakers News

It's not LeBron James, the true face of the NBA surprises

LeBron James has been dominating the league for 20 years now, but it seems he isn't longer the face of the NBA

By James Brown

LeBron James has been dominating the league for 20 years now, but it seems he isn't longer the face of the NBA
LeBron James has been dominating the league for 20 years now, but it seems he isn't longer the face of the NBA
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The most dominant player of the past two decades has been LeBron James, the Lakers star has been able to live up to the hype he created when was a prospect and now has become for many, the NBA's GOAT, for some even over Michael Jordan.

James is 38 years old and about to start his year 21 in the league, and he is supposed to be the face of the NBA as he is the most-known basketball player in the world, but the NBA rating says the face of the league is another player and no longer LeBron James.

A recent study shows that since 2015, only 27 NBA games have passed 14 million views in the states. Out of those 27 contests, Stephen Curry played in all 27 games, making him the face of the league.

This won't be easy to take for LeBron, but the next season is set to be different, as everything seems to point out for the Lakers and the King to dominate and give them all to win another championship title.

Stephen Curry recently emulated LeBron James

In the last couple of days, a video has gone viral where Stephen Curry can be seen singing with the rock band Paramore. But this was done before when LeBron James went to the stage to sing alongside Drake and Travis Scott. Curry can't match LeBron's greatness.

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