Lakers News

Jeanie, what are you waiting for? What she hasn't done to honor the greatest Laker

The Los Angeles Lakers fans keep asking a question that hasn't a real answer yet from the franchise owner Jeanie Buss

By James Brown

The Los Angeles Lakers fans keep asking a question that hasn't a real answer yet from the franchise owner Jeanie Buss
The Los Angeles Lakers fans keep asking a question that hasn't a real answer yet from the franchise owner Jeanie Buss
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The Los Angeles Lakers have, through all their franchise history, some of the greatest players the basketball court has ever seen, some names like Shaquille O'Neal, Jerry West, Elgin Baylor, Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and the greatest of all, Kobe Bryant.

But since his tragic passing, the Lakers fandom has been waiting for the franchise owner to erect a statue of "The Black Mamba" Kobe Bryant.

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The purple and gold have retired Kobe's two jerseys but are yet to honor the late team legend with a statue outside Arena.

Sculptures of six Lakers greats adorn the Star Plaza by the team's home arena: Magic Johnson, Jerry West, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Elgin Baylor, Shaquille O'Neal, and LA's iconic broadcaster Chick Hearn. However, the purple and gold are yet to memorialize Bryant's greatness in a bronze statue outside the sports complex, commonly known as "the house that Kobe built."

What Jeanie buss has said about Kobe's statue

In a recent interview with the franchise owner Jeanie Buss made by's Mark Medina, Buss assured the Purple and Gold's faithful she's held discussions over erecting Bryant's statue alongside the other celebrated members of the Lakers family "Those are all things we are discussing internally. Rest assured; we haven't forgotten anything. But it must be done right and at the right time."

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