Lakers News

LeBron James & Coach Ham are planning a strategy to inspire the team to make it to the playoffs

The Lakers are looking to get as many wins as possible to make it to the playoffs, and coach Ham with LeBron, is planning something special

By James Brown

The Lakers are looking to get as many wins as possible to make it to the playoffs, and coach Ham with LeBron, is planning something special
The Lakers are looking to get as many wins as possible to make it to the playoffs, and coach Ham with LeBron, is planning something special
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The Los Angeles Lakers are trying to do everything possible to turn things around this season and make it to the playoffs. So far, after the roster changes, the team has improved, and the future is starting to look brighter.

Still, coach Darvin Ham and superstar LeBron James plan to have a particular activity to bring the team closer now that the team is embarking on a three-game road trip.

“LeBron James and head coach Darvin Ham have been in discussions on a team-bonding activity, and they’re planning an outing on the team’s upcoming road trip, Ham told Bleacher Report,” wrote Chris Haynes of Bleacher Report. “The details of what the team will do is still to be determined, but the tentative date is Monday in Memphis.”

The Lakers have improved their roster

Los Angeles may not be a legitimate championship contender. Still, its roster looks much better in multiple ways than earlier this season, especially considering the late January trade for forward Rui Hachimura, who has played well in spurts. In addition, it has addressed its lack of 3-point shooting, as well as its lack of productive frontcourt players other than James and Anthony Davis.

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