Lakers News

Not only the young Lakers, the Mavs star that wants to be like Austin Reaves

The Lakers SG Austin Reaves continues to prove his worth in the league, and now a Mavs star could be following some of his steps

By James Brown

The Lakers SG Austin Reaves continues to prove his worth in the league, and now a Mavs star could be following some of his steps
The Lakers SG Austin Reaves continues to prove his worth in the league, and now a Mavs star could be following some of his steps
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The Los Angeles Lakers found a hidden gem in the undrafted SG Austin Reaves two years ago; now, he has become the third-best player on the team, only behind Anthony Davis and LeBron James.


Reaves will also be playing with the USA National Basketball team in the upcoming FIBA World Cup and recently re-signed with the purple and gold a max-extension with a four-year 56 million contract.

Previous to that signing, Reaves signed a seven-figure deal with the Chinese sports brand Rigorer to release his signature shoes, the AR01. Reaves could be making a trend that the Mavs star Kyrie Irving could follow.

In the last season, Kyrie Irving was involved in a controversy involving Nike dropping his deal with them as an outcome. Irving will now follow Reaves' example and sign with a Chinese sports brand.

Kyrie Irving has finally booked an endorsement deal with a Chinese brand

According to The Athletic's Shams Charania: “Mavericks' Kyrie Irving has signed a five-year endorsement deal with Chinese sportswear brand ANTA, plus the unique position of Chief Creative Officer at the company, industry sources told @TheAthletic @Stadium . Irving's management company, A11Even, negotiated the deal.” 


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