Lakers News

Priceless Giannis' reaction to Anthony Davis 186M deal that you won't believe

The Lakers-Anthony Davis extension has caused all kinds of reactions, but one of the most surprising ones comes from Giannis Antetokounmpo

By James Brown

The Lakers-Anthony Davis extension has caused all kinds of reactions, but one of the most surprising ones comes from Giannis Antetokounmpo
The Lakers-Anthony Davis extension has caused all kinds of reactions, but one of the most surprising ones comes from Giannis Antetokounmpo
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The NBA has been surprised by the announcement of the Lakers officially extending Anthony Davis for three more years with a 186 million contract. This development has shaken the league and has received all kinds of reactions.

One of the most amusing reactions has come from the Bucks superstar Giannis Antetokounmpo. Part of the information that has come out of Anthony Davis NBA's richest annual extension is that taxes will be steep playing in LA, as AD will receive 62 million per year but will be receiving 24 million as net income.

22.9M are for Federal tx, 6M for NBA Escrow, 4.1M for Cali Tax, 1.8M Agent Fee, 1.8M Jock Tax, and 1.4M for FICA/Medicare, leaving the 24M of Net Income. From that information comes Giannis' hilarious take as he reacted on his Twitter by posting:

"Who the hell is FICA and Jock can they hoop?" This tweet has made the fans laugh out loud, as Giannis is known to have a sense of humor for these kinds of news. Recently Antetokounmpo also reacted to the Saudi Arabia offer the soccer superstar Kylian Mbappe received.

Gianni's checks have also been deducted by American taxes

While Antetokounmpo is a native of Greece, he’s been receiving checks from the Bucks since being drafted by them with the 15th overall pick of the 2013 NBA Draft. In each of those checks, money has been deducted as part of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), otherwise known as a federal payroll tax.

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