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The time when LeBron James pissed Dwyane Wade in the Miami Heat, they are still close

LeBron James and Dwyane Wade dominated the league with the Miami Heat, but still, one time Wade was pissed

By James Brown

LeBron James and Dwyane Wade dominated the league with the Miami Heat, but still, one time Wade was pissed
LeBron James and Dwyane Wade dominated the league with the Miami Heat, but still, one time Wade was pissed
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Before his time with the purple and gold, LeBron James had an impressive run with the Miami Heat next to Dwyane Wade. Together, the two superstars were able to win two NBA championship titles.

But, out of nowhere, James decided to return to his first home in the NBA: Cleveland. In the "Shay Shay" YouTube channel show from the analyst Shannon Sharpe, Wade opened up about how he lived that news.

According to Dwyane, he immediately showed support to his teammate and friend when first hearing the news, as he isn't selfish and wanted what was best for James, still, he was pissed with the situation, as he believed both stars were going back to Miami to pursue another title.

This situation made Wade reconsider his path in the league and decide what he was going to do next, as he had welcomed LeBron James as the new best player of the team after he became the No. 1 in Miami.

Dwyane Wade recruited LeBron James after Kobe Bryant won his 5th championship ring

Kobe Bryant was a dominant force in the NBA, and once he was able to win his 5th personal championship ring, Dwyane Wade said he turned off the TV and immediately called LeBron James to recruit him to Miami to win together. They won two championships. 

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