Lakers News

Trae Young is following the steps of this four Lakers legend

The Atlanta Hawks star has joined an exclusive “club” that only other seven players have done in NBA history, including four Lakers Icons

By James Brown

The Atlanta Hawks star has joined an exclusive “club” that only other seven players have done in NBA history, including four Lakers Icons
The Atlanta Hawks star has joined an exclusive “club” that only other seven players have done in NBA history, including four Lakers Icons
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The Los Angeles Lakers have a rich history and are one of the biggest franchises in all NBA, having on their ranks some of the most impressive and most significant players in the sport of all time.

Trae Young, the talented star of the Atlanta Hawks, has joined seven other players with the most games with 30+ points & 10+ assists in the history of the NBA. Young, at the moment, has 56 games on his account.

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The next player on the list is the Lakers legend of the showtime era Magic Johnson who had 58 games with that record. Then another Lakers legendary star and the model for the NBA logo, Jerry West, had 69 games with 30+ points and 10+ assists.

The following NBA players are Tiny Archibald with 76 games and the current Lakers PG Russell Westbrook with 83 games. The contemporary face of the Los Angeles Lakers franchise is LeBron James, with 94, and ahead of them are James Harden, with 99, and Oscar Robertson, with an outstanding 227 games on his record.

Trae Young should be a name on the Laker's list of stars to sign

With what this PG has shown in the league, and having a current salary of 37 Million, he should get marked instead of Russell Westbrook and his 47 Million wages, and the resting 10 Million could go for another player, a shooter. 

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